
Nightcap 29. Everday Singing

A song for today inspired by two women's letters from the 1960s.

I wanted to make sure to put love and care in the world today. Whatever comes next, there always will be poets and revolutionaries, people who risk their own for another and the everyday singing of mothers and daughters. This song is inspired by letters between Rosetta Reitz and Dachine Rainer in 1968. Both were single mothers showing up every day for what they believed in, fighting the issues of their day, advocating for their daughters, themselves and the causes they believed in. Like us, they struggled to see clearly the mark their kindness made on their world. This song is dedicated to these incredible women and also to all the amazing people I have worked with and learned from this past year about building community and working to make the world a better place for everyone, every day, one step at a time. May love enter here on this singing, may love leave no blank page. I hear the everyday singing. Love tift

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