Wonderful! Hate to miss the NC show. Maybe something else will come up? Hope your trip overseas (was this your bday/Spain road trip??) went well! I just came across today some photos from the front row of your concert 20 yrs ago today. Great memories on my side-I have a live copy of the show at the Visulite Theater in Charlotte, NC, the first show after the Grammy’s, that I listen to regularly. I even got an autograph (“To Brain, Love Tift”). Always and forever a fan…
Thanks for the reminder in #30! Amazing to watch / listen now after the past few months
Wonderful! Hate to miss the NC show. Maybe something else will come up? Hope your trip overseas (was this your bday/Spain road trip??) went well! I just came across today some photos from the front row of your concert 20 yrs ago today. Great memories on my side-I have a live copy of the show at the Visulite Theater in Charlotte, NC, the first show after the Grammy’s, that I listen to regularly. I even got an autograph (“To Brain, Love Tift”). Always and forever a fan…
Wonderful! Loved watching that special and unique performance, so creative and inspiring ✨️ And bravo using live looping, not easy! 👏
I'm so glad you didn't keep it under a bucket in the dark. I am deeply touched and moved by your presence, poetry and music. What a gift you have.
Wow. Just...wow.